breaking free from six decades of tyranny

Posts tagged ‘coconut milk’

Creamy Red Chard and Mushrooms

Found a good use for some full fat coconut milk left over from making Mint Coconut Dressing. Worked out well!

Chard and Mushrooms

Creamy Red Chard and Mushrooms


Creamy Red Chard and Mushrooms

About 2 cups Red Chard, chopped

1 cup chopped mushrooms

1 T bacon grease

1.5 T grass fed butter

2 T (more or less) full fat coconut milk

(I threw in a bit of juices left over from roasted chicken for added flavor. You might want to add other favorite seasonings. Turmeric or ginger comes to mind.)

Melt fats in skillet. Add chard and mushrooms. Sauté until chard wilts and mushrooms soften. Stir in coconut milk and blend all until a sauce forms. Enjoy!

Cooking … and Cooking update …

That soup. The one from Everyday Paleo website I said I was going to make? Here’s my version:

Creamy Chicken Soup

And it is delicious. I followed her recipe, but added two handfuls of fresh spinach, 2 carrots and about a tablespoon of onion.

Cooking … and cooking …

Kitchens and I … definitely a love/hate thing. LOVE successful meals, hate the cleanup. HATE experiments that fail, hate the cleanup. LOVE that my husband cleans up as a thank you for all meals, successful or not … at least most of the time!

Full disclosure time: I’m getting a little tired of all the cooking that Paleo entails. I think I’ve hit a wall of sorts. I know I will pass through the wall and come out into the sunshine again, but let’s fact it. I’m heading into my least favorite months … winter … where lots of cooking is expected … and that doesn’t exactly excite me.

Except for soups. I LOVE soups. And I have a crock pot and a Vitamix. Haven’t made a Vitamix soup yet, but eager to give that a try. Should be quick, don’t you think?

But today, I found a recipe on the Everyday Paleo website I’m going to try. Crock pot, chicken, coconut milk and spices.

Everyday Paleo Chicken Tomato Soup


Summer Paleo Cobbler

Farmer’s Markets are the BEST! I scoped out the Boise (Idaho) Saturday Market this week with my daughter and two of her daughters. Three-generational outings make my heart smile!

Boise has a strong population of refugees. Many hard-working men, women and children lovingly nurture mini-farms as part of the Global Gardens program. We stopped at one of their stands and bought green beans and one bunch of a leafy African green (I can’t remember their name, but it started with an “m”. Let me know if YOU know what they are called and I’ll update this post.)

It was Berry Day at the Market. I picked up blackberries and boysenberries to share with my 92-year-old berry-lovin’ mother-in-law. (She loved them!)

In the evening I used them to make my No-Bake Paleo “Cobbler”.

Berry Cobbler

Coconut Milk, Agave Nectar, Go Raw Ginger Cookies

Making this Cobbler involves placing berries, coconut milk, cinnamon, and a squirt of agave nectar (depending on sweetness of berries) in a bowl, and crumbling the cookies on top. That’s it.

Summer Yummer, for sure!

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